Wednesday, August 27, 2008

i had a dream there were clouds in my coffee

anyone who knows me knows that i enjoy coffee. i recently decided i needed to cut back on the caffeine, for various reasons. especially since i began working once more as a barista in a pasadena cafe. that espresso machine calls to me, tells me to make just one more shot, til before you know it, i have consumed 7. in an hour and a half. 

in my neighborhood, known as 'virgil village', but i just tell people that it's "silverlake, los feliz-ish", there is a place that is supposed to have the best coffee in l.a. i erroneously thought it was a scooter shop, considering it's....a scooter shop. that also has coffee. i didn't know about the coffee part until i was schooled one night on the way to the smogcutter. i think my los angeles card was almost revoked. anyway. i now know that choke serves coffee. 

since i have finally moved back into my apartment, after a summer of traveling and house sitting, i decided this morning to try choke out before going to work. i was not surprised to see an acquaintance from the smogcutter exiting as i entered. it's that close (how did this place escape me?!). i was instantly in love with the place. it smelled like a mechanic's, which i like for some reason. though i do not think i will ever own a scooter, i think i might like to take one for a ride sometime. there are all kinds of mysterious parts around the place. and pinball machines. sweet. a very handsome barista on crutches made me an americano, and it was one of the most delicious things i've ever tasted. good god, what are they putting in this coffee? needless to say, i have found my new coffee spot. and for 2 bucks, you can bet that i'll be there every morning i'm not at the cafe, pulling my own espresso shots.

i am quite lucky to have so many great coffee places near me, as well as the place i work. unless i am driving around the jungle of los angeles, i don't have to visit one of the corporate giant coffee stores. why settle for one of their watery, burnt bean concoctions when i can get an espresso at intelligencia? or check out all the ironic facial hair while sipping on a latte at the downbeat? or, of course, toast the patrons i serve at the little flower cafe in pasadena after making them a (hopefully) perfect drink?

i sure picked the wrong day to quit mainlining caffeine.

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