Wednesday, October 21, 2009

forever young

well, friends, it´s been a while. turns out its not that easy to park myself in front of a computer to write about all of these amazing experiences because i am too busy having amazing experiences. without my handy dandy iphone gadgetry i was using to write and edit on the buses, it takes hours to transcribe my notes to this here blog. rest assured, though, that during my hibernation period in new orleans (before voodoo fest...dear lord what have i gotten myself into) i will be adding more stories...and there are plenty.

but first, a little bit of reflection. in just a couple of days i turn 30. i have had lots of time to ponder on this fact during long shuttle rides, wicked hikes, and sleepless nights. sure, it´s a mark of time that we as humans have set up to be of some signifigance, and doesn´t necessarily need to be taken with any seriousness, but i´d like to think there is a reason we pause on such occasion to study our lives. so i have.

i wanted to do something really different to celebrate, and i knew i wanted to travel. so i worked like crazy to make this trip happen, and now in the blink of an eye, it´s almost over. there has been some difficulty, some bruises and maladies: vicious bug bites, hikes that are meant for people waaaay more in shape than i, theft of my phone, sunburn, animal attacks, less than savory sleeping situations. and there is a time in every backpacker´s journey when the money runs out and you must swallow your pride and send word back home to friends and family that you need help. i also had the experience of learning of the unexpected death of a very dear friend, wayne sawyer, while i was all alone in leon, nicaragua. all i wanted was to fly back, to be with my friends who i know and love to help with their sadness and to deal with mine.

from all of these negative things one may assume i would have been in misery, would have cried for home, maybe done things differently. truthfully, i ended up finding the beauty in all of those things despite the trouble they caused. i felt accomplished after busting my ass on that volcano. and now that i have slept on a hammock and on a seriously crammed boat, i feel like i can sleep anywhere. and the support and help from my friends and family only reminds me just how freakin´ lucky i am.

when the memorial for wayne was happening in atlanta, i was on lago de nicaragua, on a boat toward isle de omotepe, witnessing the most gorgeous sunset. i held my own memorial.

i am not where i thought i would be at 30, if you asked me, say, ten years ago. i don´t have a husband or kids, or boyfriend, or even a plant. i don´t have a successful career in lounge singing, as i once thought i would. i don´t own a house. or a 401K. but i have friends i consider family, and family who are my friends. i am getting to see the world, in the way that i want to see it. and hey, i ain´t got no money, but honey i´m rich on personality...

and however did i convince three amazing women to come out here to peru to help me celebrate? the first three weeks had me traveling solo, but, you are never really alone unless you want to be. meredith met me in costa rica, and we surprisingly went to panama as well. beth and joy both met us in peru, and now we are four strong. i never dreamed i´d be in peru of all places on this day, let alone in such fabulous company.

the other day on the train to the inca trail head, the bob dylan song ´forever young´decided to pop up. i had to play it over again, more than once. once we started hiking the trail our guide took us to some ruins along the trail, before machu picchu, called wiñaywayna. wiñaywayna is quechua for ´forever young´....

may god bless and keep you always
may your wishes all come true
may you always do for others
and let others do for you
may you build a ladder to the stars
and climb on every rung
may you stay forever young
forever young, forever young
may you stay forever young.

may you grow up to be righteous
may you grow up to be true
may you always know the truth
and see the lights surrounding you
may you always be courageous
stand upright and be strong
may you stay forever young
forever young, forever young
may you stay forever young.

may your hands always be busy
may your feet always be swift
may you have a strong foundation
when the winds of changes shift
may your heart always be joyful
and may your song always be sung
may you stay forever young
forever young, forever young
may you stay forever young....

thanks, bobby d. and to you, friends, i wish you nothing but happiness, and that you stay forever young.

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